Treated fly ash from the HaloSep process now officially classified as non-hazardous
After the test periods in the EU funded LIFE HaloSep project at Vestforbrænding, the treated fly ash has undergone a rigorous classification process. All according to the EU Waste Directive classification guidelines. The final piece of the puzzle was obtained as a...
Monitoring meeting with site visit of the project site
The LIFE HaloSep project is approaching its closure. On May 10, representatives from the LIFE Program paid a visit to the LIFE HaloSep project site during a scheduled monitoring meeting. Samuel Moore Project Manager from Vestforbrænding and the HaloSep inventor Erik...
All four test periods finalized!
During the end of April all four test periods promised in the LIFE HaloSep plant has been completed according to plan. The test periods are 1) Low salt: Where all scrubber liquid and fly ash are used in the process which results in a low salt brine which can be...
LIFE HaloSep Dissemination Activities
As the world is opening up again after COVID-19 restrictions, there have been increased opportunities for dissemination activities. Henrik Jilvero, Engineering Director, HaloSep AB gave a presentation at the Berliner Konferenz Mineralische Nebenprodukte und Abfälle,...
HaloSep is awarded linked to the Global Goals
Steen Neuchs Vedel, CEO of Vestforbrænding, receives the Global Goals Award. With reference to the HaloSep process, the Danish company Vestforbrænding yesterday won the "Global Goals Award" presented by the Danish Waste Management Association. HaloSep is the first...
Operational test period 1 started!
The first operational test period in the LIFE HaloSep project started on February 4th 2021. The focus of this test period is to run the HaloSep process under normal/low salt conditions over a period of 3-4 months. We expect to get results on the amount and quality of...
Happy Holidays!
As we are heading into the Holiday season, we are happy to announce that our pre-operations testing of the HaloSep plant is proceeding as planned. We will start our operational testing early next year. 2021 will be an exciting year from many perspectives and we look...
Good media coverage of the inauguration
The inauguration of the Life HaloSep plant at Vestforbrænding in November generated good media coverage in Europe. The days before and after the inauguration, several articles were published, mostly in industry media, in Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain,...
HaloSep explained – a short video is now available!
As part of the inauguration event, the communication department at Vestforbrænding produced a short introductory movie. "HaloSep explained" provides an overview of the project, the technology and the expected benefits from treatment of fly ash....
Press release: Unique facility for fly ash recycling inaugurated
On November 17, Stena Metall, together with the Danish company Vestforbrænding, inaugurated the world's first full-scale HaloSep plant. The plant converts fly ash from incineration processes into useful resources such as metals and salt, as well as purified fly ash....
The HaloSep plant is officially inaugurated!
Today, we held a digital event to inaugurate the HaloSep plant at Vestforbraending. The main event was held at Vestforbraending in Copenhagen, Denmark, with additional participation from speakers in Göteborg, Sweden and Brussels, Belgium. After speeches from CEOs,...
Pressemeddelelse: Forsøgsanlæg sikrer bedre miljø
Den 17. november markerer Vestforbrænding, EU-Life og Stena Metall, at verdens første fuldskala forsøgsanlæg – HaloSep - snart kan sættes i drift. Anlægget omdanner flyveaske fra forbrændingsprocesser til genanvendelige materialer i form af metaller, salt og renset...