Den 17 november inviger Stena Metall tillsammans med danska Vestforbrænding världens första fullskaliga HaloSep-anläggning. Anläggningen omvandlar flygaska från förbränningsprocesser till användbara resurser som metaller och salt, samt renad flygaska. Askan klassas...
Inauguration of the HaloSep demonstration plant.
We will officially inaugurate the HaloSep demonstration plant on November 17th. We celebrate the end of construction and look forward to the main test period. The project, the partners and the LIFE programme will present their perspective on HaloSep and why this...
The project has been featured by the LIFE Programme
The project is close to reaching a major milestone, with completion of the construction and installation phase for the HaloSep demonstration plan. We have now been featured on the EASME news site for the LIFE Programme and on the LIFE Programme LinkedIn page. The...
Virtual tour of the HaloSep demonstration plant
Take a virtual tour of the HaloSep plant and installation site. Our project managers from Stena Recycling and Vestforbrænding will guide you through the various components of the HaloSep process and explain their function. The project used this video during the yearly...
Time-lapse movie from HaloSep construction
Vestforbrænding installed time-lapse cameras at the HaloSep construction site to document the construction phase. The result is displayed in this time-lapse movie. Initially, we see preparation of the floor, including piling and concrete foundations. Then, steel...
Tank supplier Uponor uses HaloSep as a reference
The company Uponor has delivered and installed the 18 main tanks for HaloSep at Vestforbraending. The tank supplier recently published a reference article on its local web sites, describing the project and the benefits of the tanks used. Uponor also issued a press...
Gearing up for commissioning and the test period.
Construction of the HaloSep process is in its final stages. All major pieces of equipment are in place, and the focus is on connecting everything through tubing and pipes, as well as installing the electrical wiring and controls. During the summer period, we will test...
Skilled maneuvering to lift the HaloSep tanks in place.
We have had good progress in the construction of the HaloSep demonstration plant at Vestforbrænding. We have finalized the concrete and steel foundations and we have started mounting the tanks in place. Each tank, color-coded according to its function in the process,...
Piling work is completed; moving on to the concrete foundations.
We have finished the floor preparation and piling work. The next step is to build the concrete machine foundations so that we can install the various pieces of equipment required for HaloSep. As the work progresses, we will be making a time-lapse video so that the...
Construction started!
Construction of the HaloSep process started on September 2nd, 2019 with drilling of holes for the supporting pylons. For more information, see the Vestforbrænding web page.
External monitor site visit at Vestforbrænding
On Wednesday June 12th, we welcomed our external monitor from the LIFE programme to Vestforbrænding. We spent the day going over the project status as well as discussing the construction plans and plans for future exploitation. We gave a tour of the plant and showed...
Gearing up for start of construction
After months of procurement activities, we are proud to announce that contracts for all major items of equipment have been signed. We had a successful kick-off meeting with our main contractor, Eurocon, on May 23rd. The next step will be to start construction of the...