We will officially inaugurate the HaloSep demonstration plant on November 17th. We celebrate the end of construction and look forward to the main test period.
The project, the partners and the LIFE programme will present their perspective on HaloSep and why this project is so important.
Steen Neuchs Vedel, CEO of Vestforbrænding, will give his views on the project and what it means for Vestforbrænding. Erik Rasmussen, inventor and project manager, will then present the HaloSep technology and the project. Staffan Svensson, managing director of HaloSep AB, will talk about the future of HaloSep. We are also happy to welcome Angelo Salsi, Head of the LIFE and CIP Eco-innovation Unit at EASME. Dan Sten Olsson, owner of the Stena Sphere will also say a few words.
The event will be digital due to Covid-19. We will record the event and make it available on the website in the days following the event.