The inauguration of the Life HaloSep plant at Vestforbrænding in November generated good media coverage in Europe. The days before and after the inauguration, several articles were published, mostly in industry media, in Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Russia. In addition, the news spread in social media in many countries. Here are links to some selected articles.
- Euwid Recycling and Waste Management, Germany (English)
- CleantechWatch, Denmark (Danish)
- CSR, Denmark (Danish)
- Futurenviro, Spain (Spanish)
- Recycling Industry Italy (Italian)
- Residuos Profesional, Spain (Spanish)
- Recycling Magazine, Germany (English)
- Fredericia Avisen, Denmark (Danish)
- Sveriges Radio, Sweden (Swedish)
- Waste2Energy, Russia (Russian)