Gearing up for commissioning and the test period.

Gearing up for commissioning and the test period.

Construction of the HaloSep process is in its final stages. All major pieces of equipment are in place, and the focus is on connecting everything through tubing and pipes, as well as installing the electrical wiring and controls. During the summer period, we will test...
Construction started!

Construction started!

Construction of the HaloSep process started on September 2nd, 2019 with drilling of holes for the supporting pylons. For more information, see the Vestforbrænding web page. 
External monitor site visit at Vestforbrænding

External monitor site visit at Vestforbrænding

On Wednesday June 12th, we welcomed our external monitor from the LIFE programme to Vestforbrænding. We spent the day going over the project status as well as discussing the construction plans and plans for future exploitation. We gave a tour of the plant and showed...